Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777

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Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777

Post by Jaymate »

Just installed FC3 and then Zimbra.
[root@zimbra ~]# su - zimbra

[zimbra@zimbra ~]$ zmcontrol status

Calling GetServiceInfoRequest (
Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777 (connect: Connection refused) at /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol line 230
Any ideas.
I am sitting behind a proxy server - will this cause the error?
what do i need to do to correct it?
Jaymate (New to linux)
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Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777

Post by andreychek »

[quote user="Jaymate"]Just installed FC3 and then Zimbra.
[root@zimbra ~]# su - zimbra

[zimbra@zimbra ~]$ zmcontrol status

Calling GetServiceInfoRequest (
Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777 (connect: Connection refused) at /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol line 230[/QUOTE]

It looks like Zimbra may not have started up for one reason or another.
First, just to be on the safe side, lets stop the firewall running on that computer, using the following (you'll need to run these commands as root):
/etc/init.d/iptables stop

Then, restart the Zimbra server:
/etc/init.d/zimbra restart

Then, just as you did above, re-run the "zmcontrol status" command (as the zimbra user).
Does that work any better?
If not, there's two things that might help.
First, look at the end of your Zimbra log file, in /var/log/zimbra.log. It may contain useful information for diagnosing problems you've run into.
If the Zimbra log doesn't make things clear, it may help for us to see a copy of your Zimbra install log. There should be a text file in /tmp named something like install.log.XYZ (where XYZ is a seemingly random set of numbers, but really the process number of the process that installed Zimbra).
If you could reply to this thread, and attach your install log, and perhaps the zimbra.log while you're at it, that would be helpful in diagnosing your problem.
Have a good one,

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Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777

Post by andreychek »

[quote user="Jaymate"]

Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777 (connect: Connection refused) at /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol line 230[/QUOTE]

Jaymate, I just read through a copy of where you originally posted this problem:

There was an error that occurred during the install, that said this:

ERROR: Installation can not proceeed. Please fix your /etc/hosts file

to contain: localhost.localdomain localhost

That may or may not be the ultimate cause of the problem, but it's worth looking into. What does your /etc/hosts file look like? You should have entries in there for both as it mentions above, as well as a similar entry using the actual IP and hostname of your machine.

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Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777

Post by bburgis »

I looked at my hosts file and there was nothing in it except for the comments stating not to delete these lines. Please advise.
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Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777

Post by bburgis »

Now when I restarted zimbra the only feedback I receive is the host ip address and name. Also, when I exceuted the zmcontrol status command the only feedback I received was again only the host ip address and name. It seems as no servers were started, but no error messages were displayed either. Please advise, Thanks.
PS, I don;t know if this is related but when Fedora starts up one of the services failed to start, "smartd".
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Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777

Post by 14319KevinH »

[quote user="bburgis"]I looked at my hosts file and there was nothing in it except for the comments stating not to delete these lines. Please advise.[/QUOTE]
Do a searh on hosts file. There are lots of examples here. You need two lines one for localhost and one for your real host name. This needs to be there when you install so if it wasn't you should re-install.
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Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777

Post by 14319KevinH »

[quote user="bburgis"]Now when I restarted zimbra the only feedback I receive is the host ip address and name. Also, when I exceuted the zmcontrol status command the only feedback I received was again only the host ip address and name. It seems as no servers were started, but no error messages were displayed either. Please advise, Thanks.
PS, I don;t know if this is related but when Fedora starts up one of the services failed to start, "smartd".
Can you post your install log from /tmp?
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Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777

Post by bburgis »

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -s | sed -e "s/ = (.*)/='1'/" > /tmp/saveconfig.5035/

COMMAND: zmcontrol shutdown

Calling ShutDownRequest (
Preparing packages for installation...


ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.AuthenticationException [LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials])

Preparing packages for installation...


Preparing packages for installation...


Preparing packages for installation...


Preparing packages for installation...


COMMAND: /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmmyinit

* Creating required directories

* Generating mysql config /opt/zimbra/conf/my.cnf

* Creating database in /opt/zimbra/db/data

* Starting mysql server

* Loading schema /opt/zimbra/db/db.sql

* Loading version from /opt/zimbra/db/versions-init.sql

* Setting random password for mysql root user in zimbra local config

* Setting random password for mysql zimbra user in zimbra local config

* Changing mysql root user password

* Changing mysql zimbra user password

* Changed zimbra mysql user password

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e ldap_port=389

COMMAND: /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmldapinit

Started slapd: pid

ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)

ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)

COMMAND: zmprov cs

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException

COMMAND: zmprov cd

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException

COMMAND: zmprov mcf zimbraDefaultDomainName

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException

COMMAND: zmprov ca 101096 zimbraIsAdminAccount TRUE

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException

COMMAND: zmprov aaa

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException

COMMAND: id=`zmprov gs | grep zimbraId | awk '{print $2}'`; for i in `zmprov gc default | grep zimbraMailHostPool | sed 's/zimbraMailHostPool: //'`; do host="$host zimbraMailHostPool $i"; done; zmprov mc default $host zimbraMailHostPool $id

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException

zmprov [cmd] [args ...]
CreateAccount(ca) {name@domain} {password} [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]

DeleteAccount(da) {name@domain|id}

GetAccount(ga) {name@domain|id}

GetAllAccounts(gaa) [-v] [{domain}]

GetAllAdminAccounts(gaaa) [-v]

ModifyAccount(ma) {name@domain|id} [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]

SetPassword(sp) {name@domain|id} {password}

AddAccountAlias(aaa) {name@domain|id} {alias@domain}

RemoveAccountAlias(raa) {name@domain|id} {alias@domain}

SetAccountCos(sac) {name@domain|id} {cos-name|cos-id}

SearchAccounts(sa) [-v] {ldap-query} [limit {limit}] [offset {offset}] [sortBy {attr}] [attrs {a1,a2...}] [sortAscending 0|1*] [applyCos [0|1*] [domain {domain}]

SearchGal(sg) {domain} {name}

RenameAccount(ra) {name@domain|id} {newName@domain}
CreateDomain(cd) {domain} [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]

DeleteDomain(dd) {domain|id}

GetDomain(gd) {domain|id}

GetAllDomains(gad) [-v]

ModifyDomain(md) {domain|id} [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]
CreateCos(cc) {name} [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]

DeleteCos(dc) {name|id}

GetCos(gc) {name|id}

GetAllCos(gac) [-v]

ModifyCos(mc) {name|id} [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]

RenameCos(rc) {name|id} {newName}
CreateServer(cs) {name} [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]

DeleteServer(ds) {name|id}

GetServer(gs) {name|id}

GetAllServers(gas) [-v]

ModifyServer(ms) {name|id} [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]

GetConfig(gcf) {name}

ModifyConfig(mcf) attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]
CreateDistributionList(cdl) {list@domain}

GetAllDistributionLists(gadl) [-v]

GetDistributionList(gdl) {list@domain|id}

DeleteDistributionList(ddl) {list@domain|id}

AddDistributionListMember(adlm) {list@domain|id} {member@domain}

RemoveDistributionListMember(rdlm) {list@domain|id} {member@domain}
exit (quit)

help (?)
COMMAND: /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmmtainit

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e snmp_notify=0

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e smtp_notify=0

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e smtp_source=none

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e smtp_destination=none

COMMAND: zmsnmpinit

creating /opt/zimbra/conf/swatchrc

COMMAND: zmprov ms zimbraServiceInstalled ldap zimbraServiceInstalled mailbox zimbraServiceInstalled mta zimbraServiceInstalled antivirus zimbraServiceInstalled antispam zimbraServiceInstalled snmp

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException

COMMAND: zmprov ms zimbraServiceEnabled ldap zimbraServiceEnabled mailbox zimbraServiceEnabled mta zimbraServiceEnabled antivirus zimbraServiceEnabled antispam zimbraServiceEnabled snmp

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException

COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e zimbra_services="ldap mailbox mta antivirus antispam snmp"

COMMAND: zmcreatecert

** Creating CA private key
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key



writing new private key to '/opt/zimbra/ssl/ssl/ca/ca.key'


** Creating CA cert
Signature ok

subject=/C=US/ST=N/A/L=N/A/O=Zimbra Collaboration Suite/

Getting Private key

** Importing CA
Certificate was added to keystore

keytool error: /opt/zimbra/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts (Permission denied)

** Creating keystore
** Creating server cert request
** Signing cert request
Signature ok


Getting CA Private Key

Signature ok


Getting Private key

COMMAND: zmcertinstall mailbox

** Importing server cert
keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply

COMMAND: zmtlsctl http

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException

COMMAND: zmcertinstall mta /opt/zimbra/ssl/ssl/server/smtpd.crt /opt/zimbra/ssl/ssl/ca/ca.key

** Importing server cert
COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -e ssl_allow_untrusted_certs=true

COMMAND: zmcontrol startup

Calling startup (
perl /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmon &
RESPONSE: (Zimbra::Mon::serviceInfo)




COMMAND: zmlocalconfig -s >

COMMAND: zmprov gs >

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException

COMMAND: zmprov gacf >

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: getDirectContext) (cause: javax.naming.CommunicationException
Posts: 4558
Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:52 pm

Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777

Post by 14319KevinH »

Ok well on that install slapd was still running. You need to kill it before you try to re-install.
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Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:59 pm

Soap call failed: 500 Can't connect to localhost:7777

Post by bburgis »

I am still coming up to speed on using Linux. I could not find the slapd service to kill. I tried to do "/etc/init.d/slapd stop" but couldn't find slapd. Could you provide the right way to kill this service or program. Thanks.
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