Unable to open certain email after upgrade

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Unable to open certain email after upgrade

Post by gellenb »

I recently upgraded from 8.6 to Zimbra 8.8.12_GA_3794 (build 20190329045002). I've had a few issues, and now I'm down to two problems left.

I have daily emails sent from a virus protection cloud company that provide reports on my various customers. These have always worked under 8.6. After migrating to a new server, Ubuntu 16.04lts and Zimbra 8.8 I am unable to open any previous messages (prior to upgrade - migrated over) or new messages from this company. All I get when I open them is "A Network Service Error has Occurred." I don't get to see anything concerning the email. What I get is the code listed below, with a option to Send Error Report, Send Details, or OK. The code is exact, except for I removed my email address and replaced it with me@mydomain.com The email only comes with an attachment (the report) which is a mhtml document. It happens on IE, Chrome, and Firefox. I need a bit of guidance of where to start looking at what to resolve this problem.

The other problem, (I'm just mentioning it in case it provides a clue to this problem - not to solve here) is with ssl certificates. Right now it's running the self signed certificates from the install, and their working. I went to load my SSL's only to find out the web gui for certificates fails. From what I seen elsewhere, this is a known problem for a while, and the answer is to use the CLI instead. So I'm going to attempt that later using the CLI to create a new csr and start over having my ssl's re-issued. UPDATE: Certs installed from CLI, all is good on those, but email problem continues to exist

Here is the message that Zimbra provides when I try to open these emails:

A network service error has occurred.
method: [unknown]
msg: system failure: java.lang.NullPointerException
code: service.FAILURE
detail: soap:Receiver
trace: qtp1258084361-20277:1561047622871:a78ebd5392f5d8d3

Body: {
GetMsgRequest: {
_jsns: "urn:zimbraMail",
m: {
header: [
// [0]:
n: "List-ID"
// [1]:
n: "X-Zimbra-DL"
// [2]:
html: 1,
id: "36608",
max: 250000,
needExp: 1,
read: 1
Header: {
context: {
_jsns: "urn:zimbra",
account: {
_content: "me@mydomain.com",
by: "name"
authToken: "(removed)",
csrfToken: "0_ca00a8198d463b7fb8ab56fbbcfd327b61ab72ba",
notify: {
seq: 272
session: {
_content: 117,
id: 117
userAgent: {
name: "ZimbraWebClient - FF67 (Win)",
version: "8.8.12_GA_3794"
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Re: Unable to open certain email after upgrade

Post by gellenb »

I've setup a filter in Zimbra to redirect these emails to a different web email account. I have no problem reading those messages on a mail.com account. The problem appears to be in ZImbra...
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