Questions about AutoProvision

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Questions about AutoProvision

Post by sheehanje »

Since our systems admin left, I've been tasked with Zimbra administration - trial by fire. I've fixed a lot of outstanding issues, and have learned a ton.

While fixing some external GAL and distribution list issues, I stumbled upon Zimbra AutoProv. Wow, great! We use Active Directory, and it seems like it would help our techs out a ton if we can get AD accounts to automatically provision in Zimbra.

Couple questions about this before I dive in.

First, for accounts that already exist in Zimbra - is there going to be any conflict? If exist in zimbra, and in AD, will it try to provision the account if all of a sudden auto-provision gets turned on? Will it populate any fields from AD like Telephone, Address, etc?

Secondly - how is accomplished in a distributed server environment? We have 3 mailbox servers, 2 LDAP, and a single proxy server. I'm assuming I can make the change anywhere seeing its at the Domain level?

Next - When an account is disabled or deleted in AD, does anything happen on the zimbra side? I think we would prefer to handle that manually - and I'm assuming that's how it would be, seeing this is just for the initial provisioning of an account???

Finally, Is anyone here reading this using it in production, and if so, what is your experience with it? I see 3 modes, Lazy, Eager, Manual - Lazy seems like it would work best for us seeing not every account necessarily gets logged into, and it would help keep licensing in check.

Thanks in advance!
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