Incoming Messages Being Rerouted

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Incoming Messages Being Rerouted

Post by interim-cpenen »

Hi there. I am new here. I have a question. In my Zimbra environment everything is working fine overall except one issue I'm having with a mailbox.

I got a complaint that a certain mailbox could not receive messages so I started troubleshooting. Lets say the mailbox is I can send messages out perfectly fine. However, no incoming messages ever reach inbox. Instead any incoming messages are rerouted to (2) other user's inboxes - and So naturally I checked those inboxes, and there resided the messages. I went into the Manage Account settings to see if forwarding is turned on. To my surprise it is not. I checked to see if the mailbox or its folders were shared out and found; they were not. Everything on the mailbox is standard and vanilla like all the others. I checked Brandon and Ryan's inboxes and account settings and there is nothing out of the ordinary there.

I don't quite understand how this is happening but I would appreciate it someone could point me in the right direction. The only reason I found that Zimbra was rerouting the messages was because I ran a grep in the logs through the terminal and it showed those two other addresses. I think its the MTA rerouting them. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Incoming Messages Being Rerouted

Post by phoenix »

You should always give the ZCS version that's in use on your server by posting the full output of the following command:

Code: Select all

zmcontrol -v
You also haven't mentioned if there are any filters that redirect messages on the account, you can do a quick check with this:

Code: Select all

zmprov ga <problem.account> | grep -i redirect
You also haven't mentioned whether this has just started happening or if this has always happened nor how long your ZCS server has been installed. Does the owner of this problem account use any fat mail client, if they do have they got any filters defined in there that may forward/redirect mail? Have you looked at the headers of the mail to see if they have been forwarded or redirected and if no, what was it? For future reference you can use zmmsgtrace to find the 'route' of any mail in your system, it's easier than looking through the log files.

Code: Select all

/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmmsgtrace --help

zmmsgtrace: version 1.05

    zmmsgtrace [options] [<mail-syslog-file>...]

        --id|i "msgid"                # case sensitive regex
        --sender|s "user@domain"      # case insensitive regex
        --recipient|r "user@domain"   # case insensitive regex
        --srchost|F "hostname_or_ip"  # case insensitive regex
        --desthost|D "hostname_or_ip" # case insensitive regex
        --time|t "start_ts,end_ts"    # YYYYMM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]]
        --year "YYYY"                 # file year if no YYYY in file
        --nosort                      # do not sort @ARGV files by mtime
        --debug                       verbose output useful for debugging
        --help                        display a brief help message
        --man                         display the entire man page

        <mail-syslog-file> defaults to "/var/log/zimbra.log"

      Files ending in '.gz', '.bz' or '.bz2' will be read using gzip or
BTW, the MTA doesn't route mail of it's own bat, it has to be made to do that and will always deliver mail to the intended recipient. You also didn't mention if you have made any modifications to ZCS itself, have you?


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