Spam checking

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Spam checking

Post by marcmac »

Yes, our current SA implementation is system-wide - SA supports per-user spam maps, but we don't have any integration for them as yet.
(Bored hackers - read the amavisd-new documentation on ldap integration if you want to try to hook this up for yourselves.)
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Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:59 pm

Spam checking

Post by 13132rogerg »

Can you please let me know how one goes about removing an email from the list that is treated as junk.
kind regards

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Spam checking

Post by phoenix »

You could put the 'false' spam email back in your inbox and run zmtrainsa against that and use the 'ham' option. That will identify all the email in that folder as legitimate. I assume you're using just the Zimbra SA and not DSPAM as well?


Rspamd: A high performance spamassassin replacement

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