unable to restart zimbra after reboot

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unable to restart zimbra after reboot

Post by 14319KevinH »

1) sh -x /opt/zimbra/bin/postfix status
Try to dig deeper on why postfix thinks it down.
2) This looks like a bug where the zimbra script was not installed. Can you file it with details about your OS, and the version you installed. For now you can get it from libexex/zimbra
3) Looks like tomcat came up ok. Does ps -ef | grep tomcat find it?
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unable to restart zimbra after reboot

Post by lievacke »

So I did
find /etc/rc* -name ???zimbra -exec rm -f {} ;

update-rc.d zimbra defaults
And finally, a hard powercycle on the running installation seems to get a LIVE zimbra mailbox store!!! :)
langoest:~# su - zimbra

zimbra@langoest:~$ zmcontrol start

Host langoest.ugent.be

Starting logger...Done.

Starting mailbox...Done.

Starting spell...Done.

zimbra@langoest:~$ ps -ef | grep tomcat

zimbra 9433 1 39 10:33 pts/0 00:00:03 /opt/zimbra/jdk1.5.0_06/bin/java -Xms607m -Xmx607m -client -XX:NewRatio=2 -Dcatalina.base=/opt/zimbra/apache-tomcat-5.5.15 -Dcatalina.home=/opt/zimbra/apache-tomcat-5.5.15 -Djava.io.tmpdir=/opt/zimbra/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/temp -Djava.library.path=/opt/zimbra/lib/jars -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/zimbra/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/common/endorsed -classpath /opt/zimbra/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/zimbra/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/bin/commons-logging-api.jar org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

zimbra 9663 8853 0 10:33 pts/0 00:00:00 grep tomcat

zimbra@langoest:~$ zmcontrol status

Host langoest.ugent.be

logger Running

mailbox Running

spell Running
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unable to restart zimbra after reboot

Post by lievacke »

hmmm.. part of my post vanished!
* /opt/zimbra/redolog/redo.log was owned by root:
langoest:~# ls -l /opt/zimbra/redolog/redo.log

-rw-r----- 1 root root 512 Apr 15 10:46 /opt/zimbra/redolog/redo.log
langoest:~# chown root:root /opt/zimbra/redolog/redo.log
langoest:~# su - zimbra -c 'zmcontrol start'

Host langoest.ugent.be

Starting logger...Done.

Starting mailbox...Done.

Starting spell...Done.
langoest:~# su - zimbra -c 'zmcontrol status'

Host langoest.ugent.be

logger Running

mailbox Running

spell Running
The rest of the story indicated a missing init script (previous post of droefs)
langoest:~# cp -a /opt/zimbra/libexec/zimbra /etc/init.d/
[paste the previous post here]
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unable to restart zimbra after reboot

Post by lievacke »

the script /opt/zimbra/bin/postfix contains a
postqueue -p
(At least) on a debian install, this returns with a rc of 70...
/opt/zimbra/bin/postfix: (prepend sudo to postque line)


if [ $1 = "status" ]; then

sudo ${zimbra_home}/postfix-${postfix_version}/sbin/postqueue -p > /dev/null 2>&1


and /etc/sudoers: (add line)

%zimbra ALL=NOPASSWD:/opt/zimbra/postfix-2.2.9/sbin/postqueue

This fixes the non-zero rc of postque....
Regarding the problem above, there still seems to be an issue with the sasl-config... I look into that later.

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unable to restart zimbra after reboot

Post by bobby »

1. postqueue should run setgid so you shouldn't need to sudo it; try running it by hand as the zimbra user "postqueue -p"
2. that line in the sudoers file will break after postfix gets upgraded :(
3. is the mta status showing that saslauthd isn't running?
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unable to restart zimbra after reboot

Post by lievacke »

[quote user="17224bobby"]lieven
1. postqueue should run setgid so you shouldn't need to sudo it; try running it by hand as the zimbra user "postqueue -p"

zimbra@krab:~/log$ /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postqueue -p

postqueue: fatal: Connect to the Postfix showq service: Permission denied
[quote user="17224bobby"]

2. that line in the sudoers file will break after postfix gets upgraded :(

indeed.. but then I must first have another way to track down the problem
[quote user="17224bobby"]

3. is the mta status showing that saslauthd isn't running?

indeed, it doesn't get started on zmcontrol start:
zimbra@krab:~/postfix/spool$ zmcontrol start

Host krab.ugent.be

Starting antispam...Done.

Starting antivirus...Done.

Starting mta...FAILED

getService: sasl

getService: webxml

getService: mailbox

getService: perdition

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e content_filter='smtp-amavis:[]:10024'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e myhostname='krab.ugent.be'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e recipient_delimiter=''

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e smtpd_sasl_auth_enable='yes'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e smtpd_tls_auth_only='yes'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e smtpd_use_tls='yes'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e disable_dns_lookups='no'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e message_size_limit='10240000'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e relayhost=''

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e smtpd_recipient_restrictions='reject_non_fqdn_recipient, permit_sasl_authenticated, permit_mynetworks, reject_invalid_hostname, reject_non_fqdn_sender, reject_unauth_destination, permit'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e alias_maps='hash:/etc/aliases'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e broken_sasl_auth_clients='yes'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e command_directory='/opt/zimbra/postfix-2.2.9/sbin'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e daemon_directory='/opt/zimbra/postfix-2.2.9/libexec'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e header_checks='pcre:/opt/zimbra/conf/postfix_header_checks'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e mailq_path='/opt/zimbra/postfix-2.2.9/sbin/mailq'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e manpage_directory='/opt/zimbra/postfix-2.2.9/man'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e newaliases_path='/opt/zimbra/postfix-2.2.9/sbin/newaliases'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e queue_directory='/opt/zimbra/postfix-2.2.9/spool'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e sender_canonical_maps='ldap:/opt/zimbra/conf/ldap-scm.cf'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e sendmail_path='/opt/zimbra/postfix-2.2.9/sbin/sendmail'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e smtpd_client_restrictions='reject_unauth_pipelining'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e smtpd_data_restrictions='reject_unauth_pipelining'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e smtpd_helo_required='yes'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e smtpd_tls_cert_file='/opt/zimbra/conf/smtpd.crt'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e smtpd_tls_key_file='/opt/zimbra/conf/smtpd.key'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e smtpd_tls_loglevel='3'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e transport_maps='ldap:/opt/zimbra/conf/ldap-transport.cf'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e version='2.2.9'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e virtual_alias_domains='ldap://opt/zimbra/conf/ldap-vad.cf'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e virtual_alias_maps='ldap:/opt/zimbra/conf/ldap-vam.cf'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e virtual_mailbox_domains='ldap:/opt/zimbra/conf/ldap-vmd.cf'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e virtual_mailbox_maps='ldap:/opt/zimbra/conf/ldap-vmm.cf'

DO: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postconf -e virtual_transport='error'

saslauthd[31706] :set_auth_mech : failed to initialize mechanism zimbra

zmsaslauthdctl failed to start
MTA reports being stopped, but actually it is running but the problem is the saslauthd connection:
zimbra@krab:~/postfix/spool$ zmcontrol status

Host krab.ugent.be

antispam Running

antivirus Running

mta Stopped

zmsaslauthdctl is not running
I'm digging further...
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unable to restart zimbra after reboot

Post by bobby »

is it actually running (ps ax | grep sasl) ? if so, does the pid match the one in /opt/zimbra/cyrus-sasl/state/saslauthd.pid?

you might just need to verify that the auth host is set:
runing this on the mta server should list the mailbox server:

zmprov gs MTAHOSTNAME | grep zimbraMtaAuthHost
if not, you can set it like this (on the mta host):


p.s. there should be a symlink from ~/postfix/ to ~/postfix-/ so you should be able to use that path in the sudoers to survive a postfix upgrade
what's the permissions look like on ~/sbin/postqueue?
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unable to restart zimbra after reboot

Post by lievacke »

Allright, we're one step further down the road:
zimbra@krab:~$ zmprov ms krab.ugent.be zimbraMtaAuthHost langoest.ugent.be

zimbra@krab:~$ zmcontrol stop

Host krab.ugent.be

Stopping antispam...Done

Stopping antivirus...Done

Stopping logger...Done

Stopping mailbox...Done

Stopping mta...Done

Stopping snmp...Done

Stopping spell...Done

zimbra@krab:~$ zmcontrol start

Host krab.ugent.be

Starting antispam...Done.

Starting antivirus...Done.

Starting mta...Done.

zimbra@krab:~$ zmcontrol status

Host krab.ugent.be

antispam Running

antivirus Running

mta Running

about the postqueue permissions, is setuid postdrop:
zimbra@krab:~$ ls -al ~/postfix/sbin/postqueue

-rwxr-sr-x 1 root postdrop 462628 Mar 10 00:24 /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postqueue

Looked a bit further to the defaults on a postfix debian package, and it seems like the diff is in the postfix/spool/public (mind the postdrop group ownership of the public dir and its contents and the setgid on the dir itselve):
krab:/opt/zimbra# ls -al postfix/spool/public/

total 8

drwx--x--- 2 postfix postdrop 4096 Apr 16 22:54 .

drwxr-xr-x 16 root postfix 4096 Apr 14 14:58 ..

srw-rw-rw- 1 postfix postfix 0 Apr 16 22:54 cleanup

srw-rw-rw- 1 postfix postfix 0 Apr 16 22:54 flush

prw--w--w- 1 postfix postfix 0 Apr 16 23:02 pickup

prw--w--w- 1 postfix postfix 0 Apr 16 22:59 qmgr

srw-rw-rw- 1 postfix postfix 0 Apr 16 22:54 showq

While a debian package lists the permissions as follows:
lieven@grasshop:/var/spool$ sudo ls -al postfix/public/

totaal 8

drwx--s--- 2 postfix postdrop 4096 2006-04-08 22:48 .

drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 4096 2006-04-08 00:05 ..

srw-rw-rw- 1 postfix postdrop 0 2006-04-08 22:48 cleanup

srw-rw-rw- 1 postfix postdrop 0 2006-04-08 22:48 flush

prw--w--w- 1 postfix postdrop 0 2006-04-16 23:03 pickup

prw--w--w- 1 postfix postdrop 0 2006-04-16 22:59 qmgr

srw-rw-rw- 1 postfix postdrop 0 2006-04-08 22:48 showq

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unable to restart zimbra after reboot

Post by lievacke »

[quote user="17224bobby"]

p.s. there should be a symlink from ~/postfix/ to ~/postfix-/ so you should be able to use that path in the sudoers to survive a postfix upgrade[/QUOTE]
Well I followed existing conventions, which all seem to reference version-qualified references in the sudoers file... Maybe this should be changed in general?
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