Small question about JavaScript operators in DWT code

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Small question about JavaScript operators in DWT code

Post by sdouglass »

Hi! Like everybody else I'm very excited about your product and have been going over the code, mostly focusing on DWT at first. I've noticed a couple places where there's a JavaScript operator that I've not seen before. For example:


59: if (retVal === false)



34: if (compress !== true)

Are those equivalent to "==" and "!=" respectively? If not, how are they different? If so, why use them instead of "==" and "!="?
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Small question about JavaScript operators in DWT code

Post by 14319KevinH »

The === and !== are identity compares (ie check that things are identical without tye conversion) Some more detail below.


The == and != operators do type coercion before comparing. This is bad because it causes '' == 0 to be true. This can mask type errors.
When comparing to any of the following values, use the === or !== operators, which do not do type coercion.
0 '' undefined null false true

If you want the type coercion, then use the short form. Instead of

(foo != 0) just say

(foo) and instead of

(foo == 0) say

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Small question about JavaScript operators in DWT code

Post by 1340JeffP »

Check out and see his jslint utility to get used to using this operator in your own code. It only took me a couple of times of running my files thru it and I learned the crockford way..
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