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Python-Zimbra reaches v2.0 stable

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:39 am
by ploeger
Because there were no bug reports for v2.0-rc1, I moved on to calling it v2.0 stable.
You can get it from the releases page of its github repository and on pypi.
Here are the release notes again:

Full Python 2 / Python 3 - compatibility
Many, many bug fixes
Enhanced testing suite
Travis CI and coveralls are used in development now
100% code coverage (Yay!)
Added files for setuptools
Added tool for Zimbra-dict-handling
Updated docs
WARNING: These may break existing installations:

Added forced use of TLSv1 in Python 2
Removed xml namespaces
ResponseXml now returns the first childs from Head and Body on get_head and get_body, just as ResponseJson does.

Kind regards