Changing forum filters and "Question or Discussion"?

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Changing forum filters and "Question or Discussion"?

Post by phoenix »

Here I am in the shiny New Forums Feedback but unfortunately I can't see anything! I know there are posts in here, I've seen them but I changed a filter to show me unread questions and discussions and as expected everything went because I've read it all. Now when I try to change the filter back to view all discussions it does that but nothing shows. Every time I return to this forum the filter is still set to  "Unread questions..." and nothing I do seems to change it. [:(]

As I've moved to adding this content for this post I see it can be a discussion or question, what's the difference in a technical forum? Isn't a question the start of a discussion and why the difference?

[EDIT]It seems that after an hour or so these filters now seem to work. What's going on here, is there some sort of cache involved in this? The forums are painfully slow to respond, pages take five minutes to load, switching between forums doesn't always work. Is it just me?


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Changing forum filters and "Question or Discussion"?

Post by glenarmes »

Filters are based on indexing and will populate over time. As this forum is new and not seeded some items like filters will take some time to be effective. We are not seeing any performance issues with the forums and can't reproduce the issue. Can you please let us know if you are still seeing 5 minute page load times?
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