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MTA Error in Zimbra WebMail Zimbra_8.8.5_GA OSE

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 7:40 am
by saqib87

All of users are having issue while trying to send the E Mail from webmail console of Zimbra 8.8.5_GA version.

Following is the error which is being received.

An unknown error (mail.TRY_AGAIN) has occurred.
method: [unknown]
msg: try again: Unable to connect to the MTA
code: mail.TRY_AGAIN
detail: soap:Receiver
trace: qtp1595953398-24494:1516776581656:5eadb5d91f01b0a0
Body: {
SendMsgRequest: {
_jsns: "urn:zimbraMail",
m: {
e: [
// [0]:
a: "",
p: "mohd or saqib",
t: "t"
// [1]:
a: "",
p: "Mohammad Saqib Siddiqui",
t: "f"
idnt: "2cafebe2-00a8-4bdd-998a-894cdf1069bf",
mp: [
// [0]:
ct: "multipart/alternative",
mp: [
// [0]:
content: {
_content: ""
ct: "text/plain"
// [1]:
content: {
_content: "<html><body></body></html>"
ct: "text/html"
su: {
_content: "a"
suid: 1516776581411
Header: {
context: {
_jsns: "urn:zimbra",
account: {
_content: "",
by: "name"
authToken: "(removed)",
csrfToken: "0_5818f3cfd8278ae9fe9fb72562ed202b5ffc231b",
session: {
_content: 132298,
id: 132298
userAgent: {
name: "ZimbraWebClient - GC63 (Win)",
version: "8.8.5_GA_1894"

This error goes away when we reboot our server however it crops up after a while in a single day.

We have single standalone server here with approx 800 users. It is a 12 core CPU server with 48 Gigs of RAM.

Any help will be highly appreciated.


Re: MTA Error in Zimbra WebMail Zimbra_8.8.5_GA OSE

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 5:15 am
by saqib87
Any help will be highly appreciated.