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ZCS 7.1.4 & 6.0.15 Shipped!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:18 pm
by mmorse
Zimbra Collaboration Server 7.1.4 & 6.0.15: NE Downloads | OS Downloads
Key Enhancements:

Combo right migrationAdminRights so delegated admins can run migration wizards. (65227)

Notify filter action supports an option to include original headers in the notification message. (64839)

BES administrator roles via besAdminDomainRights/besAdminServerRight. (37851)

Apache uses local config zimbra_tmp_directory instead of /tmp. (53183)

IMAP Expunge resets new message counter. (Bug 43863)

ZWC Thai language support (52429) & ZCS latest timezone data (65748)

IMAP connections dropped when zimbraUserServicesEnabled FALSE. (65464)

ActiveSync local config key zimbra_session_limit_sync default 5 (battery life vs max threads/devices) (68039)

Global LDAP attrib zimbraMessageIdDedupeCacheTimeout for LMTP de-dupe cache to workaround clients incorrectly using the same ID for different messages. If non-zero, zimbraMessageIdDedupeCacheSize limit is ignored. (44564)

Clipboard image paste support in Chrome added to ZCS 6.0.15 (63720) for other browsers see RFE 13032.

Administration console account contact Information includes fields for fax and job title. (12253)

ZCO no longer synces outlook 2010 hidden folders: News Feeds, Quick Step Settings, and Conversation (67728) & folder mapping localized name sync correction (68028)

Avoided GAL sync deadlock by increasing item cache size, new local config key zimbra_mailbox_galsync_cache (default 10000) set near number of items in galsync account. (65430)

ZWC soap_fault_include_stack_trace is FALSE on new installs (65653)

SOAP requests issued from SoapProvisioning will not request a needSession by default (67036)

Notable Fixes:

Attachments retained when an appointment is updated via CalDAV (64747)

IE 8 & 9 editor bug (63798) & Sarari 5 blank replies (67686)

Fix for OOM during MIME parsing caused by a mal-formed message 65408 & correct double encode/added line folding for MIME headers (61147)

Fixed blank body on display of messages with attachments (66192)

ZCS LDAP can interact correctly with non-ZCS LDAP clients when CA multi-trust chain CA is used olcTLSCACertificatePath=/opt/zimbra/conf/ca (57330)

Fix slapd lock up during modification to cn=config database while read with large number of results being processed (68521)

COS value for imbraPrefAppleIcalDelegationEnabled is now being inherited on accounts (66891)

Tar format mailbox export and GAL Sync fixes, also in 6.0.15 (56458/58212)

More details on

ZCS 7.1.4: Network Edition Downloads & Release Notes | Open Source Edition Downloads & Release Notes

ZCS 6.0.15: Network Edition Downloads & Release Notes | Open Source Edition Downloads & Release Notes



-Long deployment cycle? Consider the easy to apply 7.1.3/6.1.14 patches while you test. (If you don't use ActiveSync.)

-New zmmboxmove CLI in 7.1.3+, which expands upon zmmailboxmove. (58159) Should you need to keep certain accounts in low downtime during upgrades, can move accounts between servers with different mailstore versions.

-zmmboxmove is different than zmztozmig which is intended for migrations between completely separate instances (i.e. not sharing same LDAP master).

-ZD, ZCB, and ZCA releases should be available in the coming weeks.