[SOLVED] Unable to start Zimbra services (ldap)

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[SOLVED] Unable to start Zimbra services (ldap)

Post by sidkipper »

Have been trying to get the ZCA 7 (beta) working for a few weeks or so and am failing at the first hurdle. Hopefully the answer is easy/obvious, but I've been going around in circles for too long now and could do with some outside inspiration...
None of the services will start...

zimbra@mail2:~$ zmcontrol start

Host mail2

Starting ldap...Done.


Failed to start slapd. Attempting debug start to determine error.

daemon: listen(ldap://mail2:389, 5) failed errno=98 (Address already in use)
...which implies to me that there is something already bound to that port, but I can't see what it is...
vmware@mail2:~$ sudo netstat -npa

Active Internet connections (servers and established)

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name

tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -

tcp6 0 0 :::5480 :::* LISTEN 6084/vami-lighttpd

tcp6 0 0 :::5488 :::* LISTEN 6015/vami-sfcbd

tcp6 0 0 :::5489 :::* LISTEN 6014/vami-sfcbd

tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 12032/sshd

tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 6084/vami-lighttpd

tcp6 0 148 ESTABLISHED 1100/sshd: vmware [

tcp6 0 0 ::1:60007 ::1:53866 TIME_WAIT -

tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 10108/sshd: vmware

tcp6 0 0 ::1:34887 ::1:56088 TIME_WAIT -

As far as I can tell DNS is setup correctly (the server can resolve its domain's MX record to itself), but I'm not sure where else to check. I've imported the OVF, done a basic config, and nothing starts.
Any suggestions of stuff to look at would be very gratefully received...
Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:08 am

[SOLVED] Unable to start Zimbra services (ldap)

Post by sidkipper »

Found the solution (which I know I've tried before without success, but regardless, its worked now)...
http://www.zimbra.com/forums/virtualiza ... post196827
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