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Change hostname on a production server

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:01 pm
Hi !
I need to change the hostname of a Zimbra server already in productions, how safe is it? Could it cause any data loss?
The steps I planned to execute are:
1 - zmcontrol stop

2 - opt / zimbra / libexec / zmsetservername -o oldname -n newname

3 -zmcontrol start

4 - Check with : zmcontrol status and zmhostname
I would appreciate any help.
My best regards,
Fabio S. Schmidt

Change hostname on a production server

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:10 pm
by phoenix
I'd suggest you add new DNS A (if necessary) & MX records (at a lower priority than the current records) for the new hostname before you make the change, when you've done that take a backup of the server modify the hosts file and then make the changes you've listed above.

Change hostname on a production server

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:38 pm
Hi Phoenix ! Thanks for the answer.
I'm considering changing the hostname because the clients (Outlook 2003 to 2013) configurations points to the name of the old server. For instance, if I keep the hostname of the new server and create an alias on DNS pointing the old name to the new server, would I have some problem with the certificate?
My best regards and sorry my poor english.
Fabio S. Schmidt