vbscript to convert Thunderbird contacts

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vbscript to convert Thunderbird contacts

Post by zzzzsg »

Hi All
I have written this little vbscript to convert Thunderbird TAB delimited contacts file (export from Thunderbird) to Zimbra csv contacts file - for import to Zimbra.

-- note that script was updated on 10/18 to use TAB delimited format from Thunderbird instead of CSV.
Download the attached file and change the extension from txt to vbs.
To use it, type conzimbra.vbs sourcefilename.csv targetfilename.csv
where sourcefilename.csv is the name of the exported Thunderbird csv file,

and targetfilename.csv is the name of the new contacts csv file for Zimbra.
I have only used this script with Thunderbird 1.5 and Zimbra 3.1.
Hope this script will be useful to you.
This vbs script converts the csv contacts file exported from Thunderbird into Zimbra format csv contacts file - so that you can import your Thunderbird contacts into Zimbra 3.1.
To run this script, download and unzip the conzimbra file to get the conzimbra.vbs file

Export the contacts from your Thundert to a csv file, say, thunder1.csv.

Then run this command in the command window (go to Start->Run, and type cmd).

conzimbra.vbs thunder1.csv zimbra1.csv

zimbra1.csv is the output Zimbra contacts file you use to import contacts into Zimbra.
NOTE: This script only works with recent versions of Thunderbird. Your Thunderbird contacts should have the First Name and Last Name fields filled; otherwise you will see a lot of blanks in the Contacts page of Zimbra.
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