Avatars & Recent activity

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Avatars & Recent activity

Post by phoenix »

What is the point of having a bunch of avatars next to the forum name? They appear to be cluttering up the space and don't seem to useful.
If I hover over that I see there's an entry for recent activity, if I click on that and the user hasn't posted anything then I see a "no activity" item list - what's the point of that? Can't we just have a system similar to other forums where the activity is listed (by member name not avatar) in that particular thread, I want to see who's visited that thread not who's visited the forum - that serves no useful purpose for me.
When I hover over the avatar and the item is near the bottom of the browser window the pop-up only partially displays, I have to scroll to see the rest of that pop-up. Isn't this Community software sophisticated enough to display the pop-up completely  above the bottom of the browser window so I can see all of it without having to scroll?


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