What is the difference between Zimbra Suite Plus and Zextras?

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What is the difference between Zimbra Suite Plus and Zextras?

Post by davidkillingsworth »

I've just noticed that the Zimbra Suite Plus modules exists.

I found the WIKI article here:

How this is different from Zextras? I note that the documentation pages which shows the module logos, say "powered by zextras" at the bottom of the each module logo.

Is this a new partnership between Synacor and Zextras company? Or did Synacor purchase Zextras?

Are there differences in functionality between Zextras and Zimbra Suite Plus?

Is the pricing module any better? Previously, we looked at Zextras, which would have been very useful, but they were too expensive for Small/medium business market that we deal with.

Thanks for any information.
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Re: What is the difference between Zimbra Suite Plus and Zextras?

Post by iomarmochtar »

One point that i know is in Zimbra Suite Plus you can have support from your local zimbra partner which currently Zimbra local partner is prohibit to support Zimbra Open Source (only Suite Plus and Network Edition)
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Re: What is the difference between Zimbra Suite Plus and Zextras?

Post by phoenix »

davidkillingsworth wrote:Is this a new partnership between Synacor and Zextras company?
davidkillingsworth wrote:Or did Synacor purchase Zextras?
davidkillingsworth wrote:Are there differences in functionality between Zextras and Zimbra Suite Plus?
Not as far as I know but I haven't checked the ZCS version in detail.
davidkillingsworth wrote:Is the pricing module any better? Previously, we looked at Zextras, which would have been very useful, but they were too expensive for Small/medium business market that we deal with.
Is there a published price list for the ZCS version?
iomarmochtar wrote:One point that i know is in Zimbra Suite Plus you can have support from your local zimbra partner which currently Zimbra local partner is prohibit to support Zimbra Open Source (only Suite Plus and Network Edition)
The direct support from the ZeXtras team is excellent. :)


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Re: What is the difference between Zimbra Suite Plus and Zextras?

Post by pbrunnen »

Hello all,
Sorry to be posting on such an old thread, but I have a related question which isn't really answered here...

So what is all this Zextras stuff about? I thought it was a way to make the open source version have some of the network edition features... but we already run network edition, and it now seems to come with some Zextras stuff installed? I'm just really confused about what is Zimbra vs. Zextras and what I have a license for vs. not with Network edition and the documentation isn't helping clear this up. I'm trying to remove all the Zextras stuff from my server...

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Re: What is the difference between Zimbra Suite Plus and Zextras?

Post by phoenix »

I would have thought the answer in my post above yours would have answered your question. If you have any specific question the please ask it.

BTW, Zimbra does not provide the backup etc. feature for the NE version anymore, ZEXTRAS does that and has done for quite a while.


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Re: What is the difference between Zimbra Suite Plus and Zextras?

Post by zimico »

Hi all,
Zimbra NE has some features which powered by Zextras such as NG backup, HSM, Mobile sync, Admin.
If you are using Zimbra OSE and want to have those feature, you can purchase Zimbra Suite Plus (admin, hsm, backup and mobile sync which also powered by Zextras) as well as OSE support package from Zimbra.
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Re: What is the difference between Zimbra Suite Plus and Zextras?

Post by pbrunnen »

Hi zimico,
Thanks for the reply on that.
phoenix wrote:I would have thought the answer in my post above yours would have answered your question. If you have any specific question the please ask it.

BTW, Zimbra does not provide the backup etc. feature for the NE version anymore, ZEXTRAS does that and has done for quite a while.
Hi phoenix,
Thanks for the reply... Ok; Sorry I guess I'm just feeling dense then... Our Zimbra had just worked, so I wasn't doing much work on it to see the ecosystem changes.
I understand the OpenSource version and the Zextras being an add-on for that. Got that part... but I'm more focused on what is included with our NE license.
So from what zimico mentioned, NG backup, HSM, Mobile ActiveSync are the Zextras components that have a license included with Zimbra NE...

We don't use the NG backup and are still running the original legacy Zimbra backup because that makes more sense for our setup.
We've used ActiveSync from before the Zextras showed up, so does that mean that I'm now using the Zextra's ActiveSync and not what was originally provided by Zimbra NE? Because we have users setup with ActiveSync before we upgraded to 8.8.15, but 'zxsuite mobile getDeviceList' shows me no devices.

If I can, I'd like to strip out all the Zextras stuff because to me this all just seems to be causing me confusion on what services are actually running what.

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Re: What is the difference between Zimbra Suite Plus and Zextras?

Post by boransur »

it appears to me that 'Zimbra Suite Plus' is essentially Zimbra Open Source with ZExtras already part of it, whereas ZExtras can be installed on Open Source Edition. wendy's lunch time surveyzop.com
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Re: What is the difference between Zimbra Suite Plus and Zextras?

Post by L. Mark Stone »

boransur wrote:it appears to me that 'Zimbra Suite Plus' is essentially Zimbra Open Source with ZExtras already part of it, whereas ZExtras can be installed on Open Source Edition. wendy's lunch time surveyzop.com
Not exactly. ZSP is an old version of Zextras that is no longer maintained; it does not include Zimbra OSE.

At the time of its launch, it was a vehicle for OSE customers to be able to be able to add Zextras functionality to their existing OSE installation AND get Support directly from Zimbra. This was because the discount for buying both ZSP and OSE Support was significant. At the time, there was also a greater disparity between the SLAs for Zimbra and Zextras Support.

OSE Support on its own is still available, as is ZSP, along with the combined discount. The bundle is still less expensive than Network Edition, but because ZSP has not been updated in quite some time, and because doing side-by migrations is quite easy to do, I recommend OSE customers who want Network Edition features and who need the tighter Support SLA that comes with Network Edition spend the few extra dollars to get Network Edition instead of ZSP. ZSP does not for example include the Outlook Connector nor Archiving and Discovery.

Hope that helps,
L. Mark Stone
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