Backup Error

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Backup Error

Post by Koala »


I'm new here, I run a full backup on 3 servers mailbox, but the 1 server has an error, the backup doesn't move to the /backup/sessions directory.
At first, I think is about permission issue, but I already make sure the permission is same for this 3 mailboxes.

And also I have done testing as user zimbra make testing file under /backup/tmp/ and move the file to /backup/sessions, and it successfully moved:
touch /backup/tmp/test
mv /backup/tmp/test /backup/sessions/test

Here's my error log, anyone can help me please
Thanks before

2022-12-04 19:35:18,159 ERROR [FullBackupThread] [] backup - Error occurred during full backup Unable to rename /backup/tmp/full-20221204.063418.108 to /backup/sessions/full-20221204.063418.108
at com.zimbra.cs.backup.FileBackupTarget$FileBackupSet.moveSession( ~[zimbrabackup.jar:8.8.15_GA_4466]
at com.zimbra.cs.backup.FileBackupTarget$FileBackupSet.endFullBackup( ~[zimbrabackup.jar:8.8.15_GA_4466]
at com.zimbra.cs.backup.BackupManager.doBackupFull( ~[zimbrabackup.jar:8.8.15_GA_4466]
at com.zimbra.cs.backup.BackupManager$ [zimbrabackup.jar:8.8.15_GA_4466]

notes: It's Zimbra NE 8.8.15 P34
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