Passing JSON arrays to the SOAP webservices - possible bug?

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leading zero
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Passing JSON arrays to the SOAP webservices - possible bug?

Post by leading zero »

Hi everyone,

when trying to pass arrays/lists of elements to the (admin) webservice as JSON, I noticed that only one of the elements actually makes it through the parsing stage in the webservice. When passing the request as XML however, everything works fine.
Is this a known issue? And is that maybe why the admin GUI gladly takes JSON responses, but sends XML requests to the webservice? :D

Example with AdminCreateWaitSet:

Code: Select all

    "Header": {
        "context": { .... }
    "Body": {
        "AdminCreateWaitSetRequest": {
            "_jsns": "urn:zimbraAdmin",
            "add": [
                    "a": {
                        "folderInterests": "2",
                        "name": "test_a@myzimbra",
                        "types": "all"
                    "a": {
                        "folderInterests": "2,5",
                        "name": "test_b@myzimbra",
                        "types": "all"
In this example, only the second AdminCreateWaitSetRequest->add->a element is applied. I can see that by tracing through the ZCS source code while debugging remotely; and the WaitSet's behavior confirms that.

Another one, GetLoggerStats:

Code: Select all

    "Header": {
        "context": { .... }
    "Body": {
        "GetLoggerStatsRequest": [
                "_jsns": "urn:zimbraAdmin",
                "endTime": {
                    "time": "1692366330"
                "startTime": {
                    "time": "1692366180"
                "stats": {
                    "name": "cpu.csv",
                    "values": [
                            "stat": {
                                "name": "cpu:user"
                            "stat": {
                                "name": "cpu:iowait"
In this example, only the first GetLoggerStatsRequest->stats->values->stat element is honored. The second one gets lost. I can see that during remote debugging and the webservice reponse reflects that as well.

I tried to find out whether this only affects the "zimbraAdmin" webservice, so I tried to cross-check with the "zimbraMail" service. One suitable example request I could find is ModifyContactRequest (with multiple ModifyContactRequest->cn->a elements).
This request works correctly, but looking at the Java code it turns out the request data is parsed in a different way and not like the aforementioned example requests in the admin service.

With XML requests however, there are no such problems.

Has anybody else noticed this? Am I on to something or am I just doing it wrong?
Thanks for any thoughts on this.
Damini Vashishtha
Zimbra Employee
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Re: Passing JSON arrays to the SOAP webservices - possible bug?

Post by Damini Vashishtha »

AdminCreateWaitSetRequest->add->a should be an array

Code: Select all

    "Header": {
        "context": { .... }
    "Body": {
        "AdminCreateWaitSetRequest": {
            "_jsns": "urn:zimbraAdmin",
            "add": {
                  "a": [{
                        "folderInterests": "2",
                        "name": "test_a@myzimbra",
                        "types": "all"
                        "folderInterests": "2,5",
                        "name": "test_b@myzimbra",
                        "types": "all"

For GetLoggerStatsRequest:

Code: Select all

	"Body": {
        "GetLoggerStatsRequest": [
                "_jsns": "urn:zimbraAdmin",
                "endTime": {
                    "time": "1692366330"
                "startTime": {
                    "time": "1692366180"
                "stats": {
                    "name": "cpu.csv",
                    "values": {
                            "stat": [{
                                "name": "cpu:user"
                                "name": "cpu:iowait"
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