I wanted to test a few upgrade paths to 10.0 from version 9. We will wait to Dec 2024 but here is the first test. Single server with backupNG that went to Daffodil.
This is what I did. I have another scenario where I am using HSM with my secondary on my same disk as primary but these instructions were for the case of the only using NG Backups and nothing else. Previously in this thread, I went from 8.8.15P43 to 9.0.0P36. Now I am taking a 9.0.0P36 network server to 10.0.4 network. See previous posts in this thread on my update from 8.8.15 to see what modules I am using.
First I disabled BackupNG and removed the module.
Code: Select all
# su - zimbra
% zmprov ms `zmhostname` zimbraNetworkModulesNGEnabled FALSE
% zmprov ms `zmhostname` zimbraRedoLogEnabled TRUE
% zmprov ms `zmhostname` zimbraRedoLogDeleteOnRollover FALSE
% zmmailboxdctl restart
% exit
# yum remove zimbra-network-modules-ng
One probably doesn't have to remove the module if they override ng modules when invoking install.sh but I went looking to see why the warning message.
Next I install version 10
Code: Select all
# cd zcs-NETWORK-10.0.0_GA_4518.RHEL8_64.20230301065514
# install.sh
% zmcontrol -v
Release 10.0.2.GA.4518.RHEL8_64.20230301065514 NETWORK edition.
Next, I wanted 10.0.4 to display so did this:
Code: Select all
# dnf repoquery --whatprovides '*zimbra-patch*'
# dnf reinstall zimbra-patch-0:
Last metadata expiration check: 0:55:49 ago on Fri 06 Oct 2023 10:10:20 AM PDT.
zimbra-patch-0: su - zimbra
Last login: Fri Oct 6 11:06:33 PDT 2023
[zimbra@mail ~]$ zmcontrol -v
Release 10.0.4.GA.4518.RHEL8_64.20230301065514 NETWORK edition.
Last, I wanted to verify backups and do they work. I removed the BackupNG files during the full backup but didn't remember the folders so to be safe moved stuff in old before realizing I could blow it all away.
Code: Select all
[zimbra@mail ~]$ crontab -l |grep -i backup
# Backups
#0 1 * * 6 /opt/zimbra/bin/zmbackup -f -a all --mail-report
#0 1 * * 0-5 /opt/zimbra/bin/zmbackup -i --mail-report
#0 0 * * * /opt/zimbra/bin/zmbackup -del 1m --mail-report
# su - zimbra
% /opt/zimbra/bin/zmbackup -f -a all
% cd /opt/zimbra/backup
% mkdir old
% mv * old/
% /bin/rm -rf old
% ls
accounts.xml sessions tmp
Ran through my patch scripts... hardly anything changed again. Logged into the admin interface then to an account. All looked good. My account had 2FA which was no problem and I chose classic from the login screen. I didn't test to see if my default classic theme would have happened anyway. Read some email, looked at filters, etc. Not much of any testing but quite fast for an update and not that difficult.
Note: I did open a ticket for support asking for guidance for moving from a single server in place upgrade for a rehearsal from version 9 to version 10 with only BackupNG being used but the ticket is still open with about 10 questions that came back that I need to answer about the system before I get any help. Almost as fast to give it a try so I did.
Next I need to explore HSM where my secondary contains compressed blobs on the same disk as my primary. I am thinking that I could just move all the files and then delete the secondary, remove the module and go for it.
Baby steps.