Default duration for new appointments in the modern web client

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leading zero
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Default duration for new appointments in the modern web client

Post by leading zero »

Hi everyone,

is there a way to set the default appointment duration for new appointments in the Modern UI?
Currently, when you add an appointment in the calendar, it's an all-day event by default. You have to manually uncheck the "all day" checkbox every time you want to specify the actual start and end date. This is quite tedious for us because we almost never have all-day events.
For the classic UI, there's an option to control this. But I couldn't find an equivalent for the Modern Web App. Can this be configured with zmprov, maybe?

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Re: Default duration for new appointments in the modern web client

Post by saket.patel »

This functionality depends on where you are clicking to open new appointment dialog, in month view it's always creates all day appointments by default.
But if you use week or day view then it will always create event with half hour duration.
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