Uprading Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 with zimbra 10.1.5.GA

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Uprading Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 with zimbra 10.1.5.GA

Post by oetiker »


I did the update of the OS in the past like this:

- installing a plain new Ubuntu Box with the new OS
- installing zimbra with the -s option
- rsyncing oll filestores and /opt/zimbra from the old os
- replacing the perl libraries with the new OS (Zimbra) versions

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- run install again over the synced old version

now with the new cool license stuff I end up by:
ZCS upgrade from 10.1.0 to 10.1.0 will be performed.
Validating whether an existing license is expired or not and checking if it qualifies for an upgrade

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./install.sh -l <KEY> 
Does not help.. Anybody has a new procedure for that ... so the new license does not break the hole migration?
Last edited by oetiker on Fri Jan 31, 2025 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Uprading Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 with zimbra 10.1.2.GA

Post by maumar »

was this issue solved?
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Re: Uprading Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 with zimbra 10.1.2.GA

Post by redemptor »

I’ve done a similar upgrade recently, and here’s how I managed to avoid license issues during the process:
1.Before starting, back up everything (just in case).
2.Use ./install.sh -u to fully uninstall Zimbra on the new server after syncing, then reinstall it fresh with the new license key during installation.
3.Make sure you’re using the correct license key for the exact version you’re upgrading to. Sometimes older keys don’t work even for minor upgrades.
4.If the new key still doesn’t validate, contact Zimbra support—they were quick to resolve a license mismatch issue for me.
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Re: Uprading Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 with zimbra 10.1.2.GA

Post by theZimbler »

You can try to do this:

“./install —skip-activation-check”

Then once the installation process is finished you can activate the key like this:

“zmlicense -a <license_key>

If it gives localhost error do it like this

“zmlicense -l -a <license_key>”

And if it still give you the error about the key not being valid, then you should open a case with the support team asking them to add more activations to that key or to wipe the previous device ID linked to that license.

Try that and let me know how it goes
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Re: Uprading Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 with zimbra 10.1.2.GA

Post by L. Mark Stone »

To my understanding, activating a 10.1 license key causes the licensing back end to assign some sort of hash or signature of your system. Each license key can be attached to only one system’s signature at a time.

If the new system you build winds up with LDS calculating a different signature (in my experience pretty much a guarantee), then you need to open a Support Case to have Zimbra “unattach” your license key from your old system. This will allow the new LDS to cause the licensing backend to use the signature of your replacement system, thus completing the activation process.

In principle, I fully support this 1:1 relationship between a license key and a specific Zimbra system. Over the years I have come across situations where a single ZCSLicense.xml file was, let’s say “shared” between parties—sometime where the owner of the second system was unaware (or so claimed) that they were using the license file in that way.

What I don’t like is that LDS is a single point of failure; and has had a very high installation failure rate, in multiple cases necessitating building a new LDS server, and; that there is no portal to enable customers to deregister their production system at O’Dark-Thirty so as to be able to complete failover to a disaster recovery system without help from Zimbra Support.

Hope that helps,
L. Mark Stone
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Re: Uprading Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 with zimbra 10.1.2.GA

Post by BradC »

L. Mark Stone wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:58 pm If the new system you build winds up with LDS calculating a different signature (in my experience pretty much a guarantee)
I bumped up against this with a test license on a test system, so I spent quite some time playing with it.

In reality it's no different to the old style license "fingerprint", which was derived from a specific LDAP element. On my test systems the LDS "ActivationComputerId" is generated from the UUID of the boot filesystem. There are other factors, but they only seem to come into play if there's no defined filesystem UUID the license daemon Shafer library can reliably read.

I've been able to do clean installs and change the boot UUID to restore the ActivationComputerId, which then enables the license to "re-activate" as it were.

Of course that's only on my test systems. It could be different with differing underlying distributions or Zimbra versions.
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Re: Uprading Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 with zimbra 10.1.2.GA

Post by oetiker »


I just found a problem in the /opt/zimbra/bin/zmlicensectl script. Zimbra assuming, that only the standard port 22 is used in Zimbra environments and has lines like:

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rsyncCmd="/opt/zimbra/common/bin/rsync -az -e 'ssh -T -i /opt/zimbra/.ssh/zimbra_identity -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' zimbra@$licenseDaemonHost:/etc/nalpeiron/exports/daemondata_${startEpoch}_${endEpoch}.csv /opt/zimbra/data/license/"
in the script and not using the value of the zimbraRemoteManagementPort

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Re: Uprading Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 with zimbra 10.1.5.GA

Post by oetiker »


My move from 20.04 to a new host with 22.04 was successful with the rsync approach.
  • setup new Ubuntu 22.04 machine
  • rsync /opt and mailstore
  • run install.sh -s from the zcs-NETWORK-10.1.0_GA_4655.UBUNTU22_64
  • run install.sh without -s for the update/installation
  • fix the broken zmlicensectl
only problem that my personal added ca pems in the /opt/zimbra/common/lib/jvm/java/lib/security/cacerts get lost.
so I had to re-add the ca's

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zmcontrol -v
Release 10.1.5.GA.4655.UBUNTU22_64 NETWORK edition
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