*** UPDATE *** SOLVED ***
In my stupidity, I installed with './install -s' because that is what I thought I had to do when Zimbra was already installed. But with '-s' it ONLY installs software, and doesn't run the upgrade scripts. After running './install' again, it runs those scripts.
But now it stops with the error in this thread:
Code: Select all
Sun Jan 12 09:39:35 2025: Verified schema version 115.
Sun Jan 12 09:39:35 2025: Adding store_type column to zimbra.volume table.
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 1: Table 'zimbra/#sql-ib25638-2427186147' already exists
Sun Jan 12 09:40:22 2025: Error while running '/opt/zimbra/bin/mysql --user=zimbra --password= --database=zimbra --batch --skip-column-names'.
Script failed with code 256: - exiting
*** UPDATE: after reboot and reinstall, mysql migrations succeeded! Just like in the post mentioned above.
Now this:
Code: Select all
Updating zimbraLDAPSchemaVersion to version '1717060748'
Updating global config and COS's with attributes introduced after 9.0.0_ZEXTRAS...failed.
Stopping ldap...done.
Upgrade complete.
I don't know if it failed or that the upgrade was completed...
Later on, this:
Code: Select all
Checking for port conflicts
Port conflict detected: 53 (zimbra-dnscache)
Port conflicts detected! - Press Enter/Return key to continue
Unfortunately, Jetty would still not start. Had to edit /opt/zimbra/jetty_base/etc/jetty.xml and jetty.xml.in again to remove docserver. After that, the web interfaces came up again.
*** ORIGINAL POST (feel free to delete now irrelevant parts and replies). ***
Installed 10.1.3 for Ubuntu 20.04, over 9.0.0 (that I installed via zm-build). There where two issues (at least), one is described here:
viewtopic.php?p=310248#p310248 (removing a block from jetty.xml and jetty.xml.in). At least mailboxd was starting. Jetty was still not starting, there is an error in mailbox.log:
Code: Select all
2025-01-12 07:14:39,932 ERROR [main] [] Versions - DB Version Mismatch: ours=118 from DB=111
2025-01-12 07:14:39,932 FATAL [main] [] system - Data version mismatch. Reinitialize or upgrade the backend data store.
I haven't found the migration scripts to go from 111 to 118 yet.
While I was writing this post, I was looking at the downloads page and 10.1.4 was there.. so I installed that, the problem with mailboxd and the jetty configuration was gone (but i don't know if that was fixed in 10.1.4 or it was from my previous edits). The DB mismatch was still there.