zmlicensectl startup script has been fixed. Zimbra has acknowledged that customers use non-standard SSH ports in their environments.
https://github.com/Zimbra/zm-core-utils ... ab378af569
Bug ZBUG-4668 remains open with no recent updates. According to Support Case #01758202, the fix will be included in the next patch release. This follows Zimbra's current pattern of fixing issues but holding the fixes until the next scheduled release.
This particular bug is critical as it prevents the license daemon from starting - a major, show-stopping issue. Despite its severity, customers must either wait another month for the official patch or implement their own workaround by manually patching the script.
From Zimbra Support:
We have been informed by our product team that this issue should be fixed in our next patch release.
Zimbra's behavior is completely incomprehensible. Not only did they launch a flawed new licensing system that significantly compromises overall stability and reliability, but they're also delaying bug fixes until the next release - which can take more than a month to arrive. This approach to handling critical issues is highly problematic.